Monday 15 July 2024

TV and Film LR

 Your learner response is as follows:

Create a new blog post called 'TV assessment learner response' and complete the following tasks on your coursework blog:

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

• The increasingly blurred nature of film genres in the contemporary media landscape. Sequels
and parodies often offer intertextual references and audience pleasures linked to recognition of other films, franchises, genres or stars. Possible theories: Steve Neale –
similarity and difference; Schatz – genres are dynamic and go through cycles. Kingsman: The Secret Service suggests the parody or deconstruction stages – where genres are
experimented with to establish new or different conventions.

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: "Bricolage" is the creative act of using whatever materials or resources are on hand to construct or achieve something new.
Pastiche: "Pastiche" refers to a creative work that imitates or incorporates various styles, techniques, or elements from different sources or periods, often to create a new and distinctive composition.
Intertextuality: "Intertextuality" refers to the relationship between texts, where one text references, quotes, or alludes to another text. It highlights how texts are interconnected and can influence each other's meaning and interpretation.

4) Read this exemplar answer for the 25-mark question in the assessment. Select a quote from the essay for each of the following aspects from the mark scheme:

a) analysis of the products that focuses on contexts and ideological positioning - media products are inherently ideological, they cannot avoid positioning audiences

b) use of media theory - the construction of representation through the narrative conventions of enigma and suspense is highly artificial, making it very difficult to read the programmes as representations of reality

c) a judgement or conclusion on the question - The focus on real historical events raises questions about how these events can be represented to create an ideological position.

d) examples from the TV CSPs - Representations of the Stasi include their role in detentions and murder but the alignment of the audience with Lenora and Martin counters this.

e) use of media terminology - The narrative relies on a highly constructed enigma of the detective narrative providing audience pleasure but complicating the concept of realism.

5) Based on this assessment, write three things you need to revise before the upcoming end of Year 12 exams.

  • Enigma codes
  • Media terminology 
  • Unseen

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