sound analysis


  • non-diegetic sound is only heard by the viewers. This type of sound and music is added in post-production.
  • The music is non-diegetic as it is heard by the audience.
  • Non-diegetic sound is quite the opposite of music: sounds that don't come from the story world. These sounds don't appear in the character's sound environment, so they won't be able to hear them. The most obvious non-diegetic sound would be the movie score. Another example of non-diegetic sound is narration.
  • What is an example of non-diegetic sound?
    Non-diegetic sound is any sound in a film that doesn't originate from the world of the film. These are typically sounds that are added for effect in post-production. For example, a film soundtrack is almost always non-diegetic sound because the characters don't hear it.

  • Music emanating from within in the film helps the audience become absorbed in a scene. For example, music playing loudly in someone's headphones, or the pounding dance music at a bar are also diegetic sound. This kind of diegetic sound is also called “diegetic music” or “source music.”
  • What is diegetic music in music?
    Diegetic music, also known as source music, is any music that comes from the world of your narrative. In most cases, this is the music that the characters are listening to in a scene. With diegetic music, the audience is aware that the music playing is what the characters are hearing as well.

  • Which sounds are diegetic?
    Sound that originates from within the video or film's world is termed diegetic sound. It can come either from on-screen or off-screen but it always happens at the same time that the action takes place.


  • Non-diegetic sound can be heard in the background of rue's death when Katniss is picking flowers for her burial.
  • The audience can hear this music but the characters in the movie cannot.
  • The use of non-diegetic sound impacts the audience a lot more as it is usually used to make a scene seem more upsetting or happier depending on the situation the characters are in.
  • Non-diegetic sound in this exact clip would make the audience feel more connected and upset than if there was a happy soundtrack playing behind Rue's death.

  • Diegetic sound can be heard when Katniss is singing the willow song to Rue as she is dying in her arms.
  • The audience and the characters can both hear this music.
  • Diegetic sound is more impactful for the characters in the movie rather than the audience as is creates a more impactful scene and shows better emotion.
  • Diegetic sound is this clip would make us see the different perspectives of characters in emotional scenes and make the acting more meaningful.


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